Kraig — Branch Manager¹
Erik — Assistant Manager
Joanne — Children's Librarian
Francisco — Library Associate (FT)
Jasmine — Library Associate (PT)
Kelly — CSR Supervisor¹
Sara — CSR (FT)
Cassie — CSR (FT)
Linda — CSR (FT)
Agdas — CSR (PT)
Kendall — Page (PT)
David — Page (PT)
Razi — Page (PT)
¹Also responsible for the Renner-Frankford Branch
CSR - Customer Service Representitive They check out your books and set you up with a library card or TexShare card.
Page - They check in books and shelve them.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
November Book Sale
Monday, September 28, 2009
Code of Conduct
Using the Library: Libraries & Recreation Centers Code of Conduct
City staff is committed to providing the best possible customer service in an open and inviting atmosphere and the City of Dallas Libraries and Recreation Centers Code of Conduct is designed to ensure this atmosphere is maintained at all times.
Violations of the City of Dallas Libraries and Recreation Centers Code of Conduct or procedures may result in the expulsion of individuals from City premises and/or criminal prosecution.
In keeping with the City’s commitment to customer service and the provision of a safe and inviting atmosphere, the following guidelines are set forth to define those activities that are inappropriate for our users and prohibited. City staff will enforce these guidelines in a consistent and impartial manner.
The following behaviors, conduct and activities are expressly prohibited:
Prohibited behaviors under the Texas Penal Code:
•Recklessly damaging or destroying City materials or property, or the personal property of building
•Gambling in any form on City property. (Texas Penal Code § 47.02)
•Making offensive gestures, cursing or using obscene, abusive, profane or threatening language. (Texas Penal Code § 42.01)
•Displaying or distributing obscene material. (Texas Penal Code § 43.22 and § 43.24)
Engaging in acts of sexual misconduct, including, but not limited to, indecent exposure, sexual contact and sexual intercourse. (Texas Penal Code § 21.07 and 21.08)
•Stalking other customers or staff including looking into an area, such as a restroom, that is designed to provide privacy to a person using the area. (Texas Penal Code § 42.01 and § 42.072); (Dallas City Code § 31-36)
•Exhibiting signs of being under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances. (Texas Penal Code § 49.02)
•Displaying firearms or other deadly weapons on City property in a manner calculated to alarm. Exemptions from this prohibition are recognized for Law Enforcement Officers and individuals licensed to carry handguns in accordance with state law. (Texas Penal Code § 42.01 and § 30.06e)
•Engaging in physical altercations including assaults and fighting. (Texas Penal Code § 22.01)
Prohibited behaviors under the Dallas City Code
•Entering or remaining in a City building before or after posted hours of operation without the express permission of the Department Director Director’s designee. (Dallas City Code § 31-37)
•Smoking or using tobacco products in City buildings. (Dallas City Code § 41-2)
•Entering into staff work areas not open to the public. (Dallas City Code § 31-14)
•Littering. (Dallas City Code § 7A-3)
•Consuming or possessing alcoholic beverages on City property or while in a public park. (Dallas City Code § 6-6.1 and § 32-11.3)
The following behaviors are prohibited if in the clear judgment of city staff, on a case-by-case basis, they disrupt the environment for other users of the facilities:
•Conversing, laughing, or otherwise talking or shouting in a loud and disruptive manner, banging on computer keyboards or disruptively using devices, including cell phones, CD players, MP3 players, walkie-talkies, PDAs, laptop computers or any other instruments. (Making sounds that are considered loud or disruptive when they are clearly audible from a distance of 3 feet by any other building user or staff member.) Sound generating or amplification devices employed by building staff or used by persons with the authorization of building staff for authorized events are exempt from this prohibition.
•Using City buildings for other than their intended purpose, including: loitering, sleeping, changing clothes, bathing (except for washing hands or face), shampooing, shaving, washing clothes or utensils, preparing meals or food, or personal grooming unless it is considered appropriate for an approved activity. Changing clothes in building bathrooms and applying makeup is permitted in preparation for a city-approved program or event with express permission of City staff.
•Eating, drinking, or bringing food or beverages in open containers into a City building is prohibited, except in cases where an event has been previously approved.
•Bare feet and bathing suits or clothing that does not cover both upper and lower torso is prohibited in public areas unless it is considered appropriate for an approved activity.
•Introducing any animals, insects or other living organisms into City buildings without express permission of the City staff, with the exception of service animals, such as seeing-eye dogs or other guide-trained animals.
•Using wheeled recreational devices such as skateboards, roller skates, roller blades, bicycles, and scooters in or on City property, except in designated areas.
•Entering, or attempting to enter City buildings possessing such defects of bodily hygiene as impairs a clean and sanitary environment, as it is intended for enjoyment of the building. This includes individuals whose neglect of bodily hygiene gives offense and therefore constitutes a nuisance to others and staff.
•Entering into or remaining in City buildings while emitting odors (including bodily odors or perfumes), which interfere with the use of services by other users or the work of staff.
•Entering into City buildings with large framed backpacks, bedrolls, blanket rolls, or more than three grocery-sized paper or plastic bags or parcels. Personal belongings including purses or cell phones must not impede access to doors, services or materials. Customers must keep personal belongings with them at all times. The City is not responsible for unattended personal belongings.
•No soliciting or proselytizing on City property, except as authorized. No panhandling at any time.
•Neglecting to provide proper supervision of children.
•Using areas for any activities, other than their intended purpose.
•Physically blocking aisles, exits, or entrances, including sitting or lying down in them.
•Moving, altering, or rearranging furniture or equipment; altering the configuration or settings of electronic equipment without the authorization of staff; or otherwise using furniture or equipment for other than its intended purpose.
•Using electronic equipment in excess of posted duration limits if other customers or staff are waiting to use the equipment.
•Assembling more than two people around a computer if it creates a disturbance to others.
•Use of parking lot before or after hours of operation or for performing non-emergency automotive repairs or maintenance at any time.
•Engaging in any other activity that disturbs normal activities and/or the environment for other users and City staff.
City staff is committed to providing the best possible customer service in an open and inviting atmosphere and the City of Dallas Libraries and Recreation Centers Code of Conduct is designed to ensure this atmosphere is maintained at all times.
Violations of the City of Dallas Libraries and Recreation Centers Code of Conduct or procedures may result in the expulsion of individuals from City premises and/or criminal prosecution.
In keeping with the City’s commitment to customer service and the provision of a safe and inviting atmosphere, the following guidelines are set forth to define those activities that are inappropriate for our users and prohibited. City staff will enforce these guidelines in a consistent and impartial manner.
The following behaviors, conduct and activities are expressly prohibited:
Prohibited behaviors under the Texas Penal Code:
•Recklessly damaging or destroying City materials or property, or the personal property of building
•Gambling in any form on City property. (Texas Penal Code § 47.02)
•Making offensive gestures, cursing or using obscene, abusive, profane or threatening language. (Texas Penal Code § 42.01)
•Displaying or distributing obscene material. (Texas Penal Code § 43.22 and § 43.24)
Engaging in acts of sexual misconduct, including, but not limited to, indecent exposure, sexual contact and sexual intercourse. (Texas Penal Code § 21.07 and 21.08)
•Stalking other customers or staff including looking into an area, such as a restroom, that is designed to provide privacy to a person using the area. (Texas Penal Code § 42.01 and § 42.072); (Dallas City Code § 31-36)
•Exhibiting signs of being under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances. (Texas Penal Code § 49.02)
•Displaying firearms or other deadly weapons on City property in a manner calculated to alarm. Exemptions from this prohibition are recognized for Law Enforcement Officers and individuals licensed to carry handguns in accordance with state law. (Texas Penal Code § 42.01 and § 30.06e)
•Engaging in physical altercations including assaults and fighting. (Texas Penal Code § 22.01)
Prohibited behaviors under the Dallas City Code
•Entering or remaining in a City building before or after posted hours of operation without the express permission of the Department Director Director’s designee. (Dallas City Code § 31-37)
•Smoking or using tobacco products in City buildings. (Dallas City Code § 41-2)
•Entering into staff work areas not open to the public. (Dallas City Code § 31-14)
•Littering. (Dallas City Code § 7A-3)
•Consuming or possessing alcoholic beverages on City property or while in a public park. (Dallas City Code § 6-6.1 and § 32-11.3)
The following behaviors are prohibited if in the clear judgment of city staff, on a case-by-case basis, they disrupt the environment for other users of the facilities:
•Conversing, laughing, or otherwise talking or shouting in a loud and disruptive manner, banging on computer keyboards or disruptively using devices, including cell phones, CD players, MP3 players, walkie-talkies, PDAs, laptop computers or any other instruments. (Making sounds that are considered loud or disruptive when they are clearly audible from a distance of 3 feet by any other building user or staff member.) Sound generating or amplification devices employed by building staff or used by persons with the authorization of building staff for authorized events are exempt from this prohibition.
•Using City buildings for other than their intended purpose, including: loitering, sleeping, changing clothes, bathing (except for washing hands or face), shampooing, shaving, washing clothes or utensils, preparing meals or food, or personal grooming unless it is considered appropriate for an approved activity. Changing clothes in building bathrooms and applying makeup is permitted in preparation for a city-approved program or event with express permission of City staff.
•Eating, drinking, or bringing food or beverages in open containers into a City building is prohibited, except in cases where an event has been previously approved.
•Bare feet and bathing suits or clothing that does not cover both upper and lower torso is prohibited in public areas unless it is considered appropriate for an approved activity.
•Introducing any animals, insects or other living organisms into City buildings without express permission of the City staff, with the exception of service animals, such as seeing-eye dogs or other guide-trained animals.
•Using wheeled recreational devices such as skateboards, roller skates, roller blades, bicycles, and scooters in or on City property, except in designated areas.
•Entering, or attempting to enter City buildings possessing such defects of bodily hygiene as impairs a clean and sanitary environment, as it is intended for enjoyment of the building. This includes individuals whose neglect of bodily hygiene gives offense and therefore constitutes a nuisance to others and staff.
•Entering into or remaining in City buildings while emitting odors (including bodily odors or perfumes), which interfere with the use of services by other users or the work of staff.
•Entering into City buildings with large framed backpacks, bedrolls, blanket rolls, or more than three grocery-sized paper or plastic bags or parcels. Personal belongings including purses or cell phones must not impede access to doors, services or materials. Customers must keep personal belongings with them at all times. The City is not responsible for unattended personal belongings.
•No soliciting or proselytizing on City property, except as authorized. No panhandling at any time.
•Neglecting to provide proper supervision of children.
•Using areas for any activities, other than their intended purpose.
•Physically blocking aisles, exits, or entrances, including sitting or lying down in them.
•Moving, altering, or rearranging furniture or equipment; altering the configuration or settings of electronic equipment without the authorization of staff; or otherwise using furniture or equipment for other than its intended purpose.
•Using electronic equipment in excess of posted duration limits if other customers or staff are waiting to use the equipment.
•Assembling more than two people around a computer if it creates a disturbance to others.
•Use of parking lot before or after hours of operation or for performing non-emergency automotive repairs or maintenance at any time.
•Engaging in any other activity that disturbs normal activities and/or the environment for other users and City staff.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Discount Prescription Card Available at Timberglen
Save on your prescriptions wth this card. They're FREE. Pick them up at any Dallas library.
Link for more information.
From the Dallas Business Journal:
Since the card can be used nationwide, it can also be used by family members living outside the county, and even pets.
Link for full article.
Link for more information.
From the Dallas Business Journal:
Since the card can be used nationwide, it can also be used by family members living outside the county, and even pets.
Link for full article.
Monday, September 14, 2009
New Hours
Effective October 1, 2009
Sun Closed
Mon Closed
Tue 12pm - 8 pm
Wed 10am - 6pm
Thu 12pm - 8pm
Fri 10am - 6pm
Sat 10am - 6pm
These hours are for Timberglen only. Renner Frankford will have the later hours Wednesday, and the earlier hours Tuesday. The Downtown Library will be the only one open on Sunday, 1pm - 5pm. Arcadia Park and Hampton Illinois will be the only ones open on Monday, 7:45am - 8pm, as they are associated with adjoining schools.
Sun Closed
Mon Closed
Tue 12pm - 8 pm
Wed 10am - 6pm
Thu 12pm - 8pm
Fri 10am - 6pm
Sat 10am - 6pm
These hours are for Timberglen only. Renner Frankford will have the later hours Wednesday, and the earlier hours Tuesday. The Downtown Library will be the only one open on Sunday, 1pm - 5pm. Arcadia Park and Hampton Illinois will be the only ones open on Monday, 7:45am - 8pm, as they are associated with adjoining schools.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Teen Center Wii Games
The Friends of Timberglen Library allocated $850 for the equipment.
Party Pets
Saturday, July 11, 2009
A Gift From the Friends
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Another Poem
Homework! Oh, Homework!by Jack Prelutsky
Homework! Oh, homework!
Homework! Oh, homework!
I hate you! You stink!
I wish I could wash you
away in the sink.
If only a bomb
would explode you to bits.
Homework! Oh, homework!
You're giving me fits.
I'd rather take baths
with a man-eating shark,
or wrestle a lion
alone in the dark,
eat spinach and liver,
pet ten porcupines,
than tackle the homework
my teacher assigns.
Homework! Oh, homework!
You're last on my list.
I simply can't see
why you even exist.
If you just disappeared
it would tickle me pink.
Homework! Oh, homework!
I hate you! You stink!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Attention Addison Residents
We are your library. Our location:,+dallas&output=html
(if necessary: highlight, then copy and paste to the address bar)
Per the Town of Addison web site:
Addison offers commitment to service by providing easy access to library membership. Residents may obtain a library card from the Dallas Public Library. Membership is free of charge to Addison residents. Proof of residency is required.
Family membership to Dallas Public Library can be obtained at Addison Town Hall, 5300 Belt Line Road. Hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. During official holidays, call 972-450-7000 to confirm hours.
Addison Town Hall location:,+addison&output=html
(if necessary: highlight, then copy and paste to the address bar).,+dallas&output=html
(if necessary: highlight, then copy and paste to the address bar)
Per the Town of Addison web site:
Addison offers commitment to service by providing easy access to library membership. Residents may obtain a library card from the Dallas Public Library. Membership is free of charge to Addison residents. Proof of residency is required.
Family membership to Dallas Public Library can be obtained at Addison Town Hall, 5300 Belt Line Road. Hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. During official holidays, call 972-450-7000 to confirm hours.
Addison Town Hall location:,+addison&output=html
(if necessary: highlight, then copy and paste to the address bar).
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